Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast

Episode 70- How to Achieve Financial Wellness

Episode Summary

How do most of us deal with our financial situation? We either obsess over it to the point of crippling anxiety or avoid it altogether because we feel overwhelmed and powerless. Regardless of which category we fall into, both of those situations certainly negatively impact our health and well being Today we are talking about ways you can feel confident and empowered to handle whatever financial situation you are faced with. On this financially-focused episode of the Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, Argavan speaks with Jay Sohnen, the Director of Wealth Coaching at OneEleven. OneEleven is a financial wellness platfrom whose mission is to help people build healthy financial habits and make financial empowerment accessible to all. Argavan and Jay discuss how financial wellness is a vital part of the health and wellness discussion, what our money mindset says about us and how the pandemic and inflation have impacted households across the United States and the globe.

Episode Notes

Mentioned in this Episode:


OneEleven Blog


For more on OneEleven, you can follow him on Instagram @getoneeleven, on Facebook: OneEleven Financial Wellness page, on Twitter @getoneeleven, on LinkedIn @getoneeleven and @jasonsohnen and through their website


For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website