Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast

Episode 133- Cooking for Change: A Spotlight on "Kids Cooking for Life"

Episode Summary

Today’s episode is a spotlight on a wonderful organization, Kids Cooking for Life. Their mission is to teach children in the San Francisco Bay Area nutrition knowledge, cooking skills and much more. After vising a local school and attending one of the cooking classes, Argavan has the pleasure of interviewing Lara Ratninger, the Executive Director. Lara and Argavan discuss the inspiration behind Kids Cooking for Life, the importance of teaching children to cook and the impact on growth and well being, accessibility fof classes for children in underresourced communities, plans for expansion of programs and ways for the community to offer support! Don’t miss it.

Episode Notes

Mentioned in this Episode:


Free E-cookbook download


Kids Cooking for Life Donors and Sponsors





How to support Kids Cooking for Life



For more on Lara Rajninger, you can follow her on Instagram @kidscookingforlife, on Facebook: Kids Cooking for Life page, on YouTube: Kids Cooking for Life and through the website



For more on Argavan Nilforoush, be sure to follow her on Instagram @babystepsnutrition, on Facebook: Baby Steps Nutrition page, on YouTube: Baby Steps Nutrition Podcast, on Twitter @argavanRDN, on LinkedIn @ArgavanNilforoush and through her website